We ❤️ Charlotte.

You aren’t really living until you’re making a difference in this world.

We want to help you change the world around you, because we can’t do it without you. We have intentionally focused our efforts in a few ways that we believe will help you be effective at helping others.

Food Pantry

Twice a month, families from around our city come in our doors to receive food to keep their children fed and their shelves stocked. We partner with Second Harvest Food Bank as well as other local grocery stores and restaurants to provide food to those in need.

CMS Ministry

We have partnered with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in our area to help support the students and teachers. From providing teacher luncheons to Back-to-School Bashes, we are continuing to look for new ways to come along side our local schools! We are starting a new Mentoring Program, and we need more people. Contact us below, if you are interested!

Celebrate Recovery

No one is alone; we all have hurts, hang-ups, and habits that we struggle with. We partner with Celebrate Recovery to provide support and encouragement to those who are struggling.

Learn More About Celebrate Recovery→

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